The following incidents were reported between Jan. 8 to Jan. 16


The following incidents were reported between Jan. 8 to Jan. 16

Grand theft
A property on Bonsell Drive was vandalized, and a vinyl fence worth $3,000 was stolen. The deputy canvassed the area and noticed the property was not secured and opened for public access. There were no security cameras available for evidence.

Vehicle Burglary
A vehicle parked near Surfrider Beach was broken into, and an iPhone wallet and keys were stolen. The victim left the key underneath the front fender, went surfing, and upon return, the key was missing, and their vehicle was ransacked. The victim received a notification that an estimated $23,936 was charged at an Apple Store in Canoga Park. The deputy was unable to visit the Apple Store to follow up on the fraudulent charge. There were no security cameras available for evidence. The iPhone was worth $1,300.

A vehicle parked near Topanga State Beach was broken into and ransacked. The victim left the key underneath the front bumper, went surfing, and upon return, the key was missing, and the vehicle was left open. The victim received a notification that their credit card was being used at an Apple Store. A $25,000 charge was denied, but a $34,000 charge was successful.

A vehicle parked near Surfrider Beach was broken into, and a designer ring and watch were stolen. The victim hid the key underneath the rear bumper, and upon return, the key was missing and their vehicle was ransacked. The ring was worth $25,000, and the watch was worth $10,000. There were no security cameras available for evidence.